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Pothole Patrol: One Man vs Lymington’s Greatest Enemy

by jackdavies on 1 June, 2016

I’ve had a rather busy week reporting potholes and getting in touch with the council to get them fixed.

How Hampshire County Council and ‘Amey’ define the word “fixed” does leave me with cause for concern. In my humble opinion, providing the pothole with a decorative lick of white paint and placing a cone atop it does not constitute the pothole being “made safe” or “repaired”.

It is in the spirit of community campaigning then, that I will begin my ‘pothole patrols’ where I will go out, along some of our busiest roads to locate and report all the potholes that endanger local motorists on a daily basis. Perhaps by showing the County Council just how many potholes there are in our local area I can force the Conservatives on Hampshire County Council to reassess their £745,000 cut to the pothole repairs fund and start taking the condition of our highways seriously.

Now, where can I find a high vis jacket and a clipboard…

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