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Conservatives ignore 41% rise in hate crimes since referendum

by jackdavies on 6 December, 2016


The Conservatives have ignored the 41% rise in hate crime since June’s referendum by not announcing increased funding for the police in the Autumn Statement.

The Liberal Democrats in Lymington and Pennington have campaigned tirelessly against hate crime in the local area since the referendum and the news that the government does not share their concerns is a massive disappointment.

Cllr Jack Davies, Pennington resident said:
“In Lymington and Pennington we have a wonderful community of decent, hard-working individuals who look out for each other. Yet there have been reports of families targeted based upon their nationality and I will not ignore that. I cannot ignore that. Our police can only make our community safer by being given the resources to tackle crime. They have been let down by the Chancellor.”

LGA Lib Dem Group Deputy Leader Mayor Dorothy Thornhill said: “It is disappointing given the rise in reported hate crimes following the vote to leave the European Union that the chancellor today did not announce plans to foster community cohesion by guaranteeing extra funds for policing. Since Brexit hate crimes have risen by 41%, the Autumn Statement would have been the perfect opportunity for Mr Hammond to demonstrate his commitment to ensuring that people feel safe in their communities”

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