Lib Dem Councillor for Pennington Learn more
by jackdavies on 8 April, 2017
With the news that Jack Davies’ pledge to get a bus shelter installed at the top of Lymington High Street will be fulfilled this month, Jack Davies says that this can be just the beginning.
Jack said:
“The pledge I made before my election to the Town Council was just the beginning of my plan for Real Change in our community.
“I want to move forward and make our local bus services better. If we are going to do that, we need a strong voice on Hampshire County Council who won’t be scared to ruffle feathers.
“Real Change means the 119 service back on a Saturday. Real Change means more buses in the evenings. The County Council were given a Transitional grant by the government to pay for services but they kept it in the reserves instead. I want to see a small portion of that grant used to ensure a better local bus service for local people.
“I have been a voice of Real Change on the Town Council and I will be that voice on the County Council too.
“So let’s deliver Real Change on May 4th.”
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